Get out and discover the bird community in Barrie! With a range of environments, there are lots of types of birds to discover. Take in birding by the side of Kempenfelt Bay, a popular hot-spot for rare birds. The Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) determined that there are nearly 500 bird species that have been recorded in Ontario on the basis of specimens, photographs, recordings, and documented sight records accepted by the Ontario Bird Records Committee (OBRC).
Kempenfelt Bay, which Barrie resides on, has a large food supply of small fish and aquatic invertebrates that bring in a large number of migratory birds during their migration north to south over North America. This is mostly in the fall and spring, and it is the Emerald Shiners, juvenile perch and bass that attract them here. Birders from all overcome to Barrie's waterfront trail to enjoy seeing and photographing the multitudes of birds that congregate on our bay.

Birding guides lead trips here to show people our waterfront bird populations, as it is so incredible. It is quite a variety and number that includes Grebes, Goldeneyes, Kingfishers, Loons, Bonaparte Gulls, Black-backed Gulls, Common Mergansers, Buffleheads, Cormorants, Lesser Scaups, Red-heads and many others.
They feed and rest up, often staying for several weeks, if not months, during their migratory flight. They arrive when the ice breaks up in the spring, and in the fall. The birds start to come in September and will often stay even over Christmas if thelake has not frozen over.
The bay has also seen an increasing number of Bald Eagles and even the fantastic Peregrine Falcon.
Not to be outdone, the fields and naturalized areas around Barrie invite scores of precious smallerbirds, including a myriad of stunning Warblers, Vireos, Sparrows, Kingbirds, Flickers, Flycatchers and Baltimore Orioles. Our nearby 'rail trails' and access points to our Conservation areas are well mapped to allow you to enjoy a saunter into the woodland
and wetlands that we protect.
The local naturalists' club- NATURE BARRIE ( ) occasionally offers organized trips monthly to allow birders, new and seasoned, a chance to see and learn about
our winged wildlife in and around the city and its waterfront. Currently, there is an ongoing effort to protect the habitat of the important Chimney Swift within the city. They and other insectivore birds like them are great at keeping insect populations
in check.

Prominently, and very importantly, there is also a healthy long-term strong focus on the protection of our water, woodland, birds and wildlife by the city.
Content and images generously provided by Paul Forde, Publicity Chairman of NATURE BARRIE.